Collaborative practice is the Rolls Royce of alternative dispute resolution processes. As a collaborative practitioner Muriel works in a constructive and non-confrontational way with your spouse/partner and their collaborative lawyer to help you reach agreement. Both lawyers sign an agreement which disqualifies them from representing either party in contested litigation should you fail to reach agreement.
This means we are absolutely committed to helping you reach agreement and finding the best outcomes for each of you and your family. We use all of our experience and wisdom through dialogue and discussion and not through conflict to help achieve that for you. The process is helped by collaborative facilitators who help deal with the emotional aspects which always arise in dealing with relationship breakdown. Full and frank financial disclosure is essential to the process.
Muriel is currently chair of the Association of Collaborative Practitioners. For more information see the Association of Collaborative Practitioners website.
Listen to the Interview Muriel did with Claire Byrne RTÉ September 2022 with renowned US trainer Pauline Tesler when she was in Ireland.